FrontPage Web Templates

Installation Instructions 

 Download .exe file  
 Locate .exe file on your hard drive  
 Double click to install  

Opening Your New Web Template in FrontPage 2000

 In FrontPage 2000, do File > Open Web  
 At the top of the "Open Web" dialog, click the down arrow on the "Look In" drop down box.  
 Select The "C" Drive.  
 Open the newly created "FrontPage Templates" folder.  
 Double click on your new web template to open it.  
 Publish wherever you wish, or leave the web template where it is.  

Changing Button and Banner Names

The names that appear on navigation bar buttons and page banners are dynamically generated by FrontPage based upon the names that appear on the page icons in the Navigation View flow chart.  You can change the names to suit your needs provided the names are brief enough to fit on the button graphics.

To change the names on navigation buttons and page banners:

 Switch to FrontPage Navigation View.  
 Right click on the page icon that represents the link you wish to change.  
 Type a new name  
 Right click in the blue area, and selecting "Apply Changes."  

Adding Pages

It's easy to create new pages and add them to the navigation bars.  You can expand the navigation bars to accommodate as many pages as you need.

To add a page to the nav bars:

 In navigation view, select and open a page that exists on the same level of the chart as the page you wish to add.  
 Save it as a new page.  
 Drag it onto the Navigation View flow chart.  
 In the Navigation View, rename the page to suit your needs.  
 Customize the content and save.  

Deleting Pages 

You can delete a page from your navigation bar without deleting it from your web by clicking on the page to highlight it in the Navigation View, pressing the "delete" button, and selecting "Remove this page from all navigation bars."  To delete the page entirely, select that option instead.

Include Files

Note that some elements elements that occur on all pages of this site exist as include pages.  You can find these include pages in the "includes" folder of this web.  Here are the include pages that may be in use on this web.

 Main Navigation Bar  
 SubNavigation bar for section main pages  
 Subnavigation bar for section child pages  
 Footer information